beberapa macam
A Sebagai pronoun atau determiner.
1. “itu” Whose car is that? Mobil siapa itu.
2. “mengekpresikan kekaguman atau persetujuan”
“Here’s the picture”” “Oh, that’s cute” “Ini fotonya”
“Wah begitu lucunya”
”Wave bye-bye, Ian. That’s it! Lambaikan tangan.
Nah begitu
3. “bahwa” Is it true that the Nelsons are moving?
Apa benar bahwa Nelson pindh?
4. “yang” Have you gotten the letter that I sent you?
Apa kamu sdh terima surat yang saya kirim
B Sebagai adverb
“begitu” Her boyfriend is handsome but he’s not
that tall. Pacarnya tampan tetapi tdk begitu tinggi.
Selain digunakan dalam relative clause sepeti
contoh diatas that juga digunakan untuk tujuan-
tujuan lain. Satu kegunaan lainnya adalah sebagai
conjunction. Namun ketika digunakan sebagai
conjunction,“that” kadang bersifat pilihan dan
kadang bersifat wajib.
” That “ biasanya bersifat pilihan setelah say,
tell, think, believe
Anne said that she had written the report. Or
Anne said she had written the report.
He told me that he had a lot of works to do. Or
He told me he had a lot of work to do.
I think that it is better if you stay here. Or I think it
is better if you stay here.
We believe that she is going to be a good tennis
player. Or We believe she is going to be a good
tennis player.
“That” keharusan setelah:
declare, mention,
report, state,
Yansen mentioned that he is going to be retired
next month.
Democratic Party declared that Mr Bambang will
be the sole candidate of the party for the next .
The Meteorology Center reported that there will
be heavy rain in the next couple of
weeks.presidency election.
The president stated that he is not going to run
for the next presidential election.
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